Friday, September 19, 2008

outdoor living space

When dealing with interior space options emerge how the space will speak to individuals and what qualities it needs to express. With this space the matter at hand became about how the space was used. Yes, it is a circulation path and egress route, but there was potential to make it something greater, a social space to mingle and interact with other beings. Therefore, habitable qualities and aesthetics needed to evolve in a manner allowing individuals using the space to experience qualities true to the nature of its original intended purpose. A strong sense of rhythm, repetition, and direction is incorporated. Ceiling level changes express this central straight path that leads to the entrance of the apartment and the drop level creates a level of intimacy in keeping with a habitable environment. This lower level runs on the same diagonal as the exterior structure, pushing the occupant to view Main Street. Generous space allotments for traffic and tenants moving in and out has relevance in the design. Revealing structural layers in their entirety creates visual interest as well as showing how connections are made. Textural values and material use create cohesive relationships between the existing building and exterior addition. Lighting becomes one of the most important factors in most designs. This is the entry, so to speak, into the apartments. A moment needs to happen between the user and the built environment and how it speaks to their sense. Lighting here creates another dimension in highlighting certain aspects of the project and architecture and holds functional purposes. 

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