Or you are just one of those crazy hermits anyway...either way these customizable dwellings may be perfect for you! Arvesund, a swedish company, has come up with quite an interesting concept in designing homes and barns that fit in well with the surrounding landscape. They can be as rustic or contemporary as you desire.
for this and many other options in low footprint dwellings check out designboom
Not, anymore! Alongside a hotel retreat focused around conservation, Our Planet Retreats possesses the free spirit sphere. This pod is one of the options fitting in amongst the trees in a more organic form than others. For more information and other treehouses gohere
Recently, one of my friends came across this site. These remind me of other appliances that have come out in the past, but were discontinued shortly after. Maybe this is a second wave of well-designed, well-accepted appliances. Hopefully they are constructed and used with more of a sense of permanence than they are initially perceived as having.
Exterior Proposal for The Salvation Army. Make a difference charrette held from 7pm-7am October 24, 2008. Design from Architecture group and designed in sketchup + rendered by myself with finishing touches by jessica and nadia.
Design is instilled in every aspect of life. Natural and manmade creation[s] individually and melded together form our [built] environment. At a young age it was apparent I paid attention to small detail[s] and loved fine craft and components. Designing is second nature to me, I think about it all the time. Design is problem solving with an artistic expression. As a social being I love chatting with others about design, whether they have a passion for it or not. It intrigues me to hear others opinions, ideas, and thoughts about design. This helps me understand how others see the world. I enjoy the challenge of helping those outside of the design field understand and see the effects design has on everyday life and how my design can influence the world.